PHARMA-Microbiology and Parasitology
  • Teacher: Jace Nocete
  • Enrolled students: No students enrolled in this course yet
Pharmaceutical Drug Delivery System (Lec and Lab)

This course covers the description, classification, uses, administration, preparation/compounding, packaging and labeling, and storage/handling of pharmaceutical dosage forms, proper handling/use of medical devices and emphasis on new technologies on administering drug compounds to enhance therapeutic efficacy and safety.

  • Enrolled students: 27
Physical Pharmacy Lecture

This course deals with the physicochemical principles underlying drug formulation and bioavailability. It focuses on how these principles of dosage form design; manufacturing process and stability of pharmaceutical products affect the biological response of drugs. It also interprets theoretical principles in terms of concrete laboratory situation and solve mathematical problems involving physiochemical properties, drug design and stability.

  • Teacher: Krisha Amodia
  • Enrolled students: No students enrolled in this course yet
Dispensing Pharmacy Lecture & Laboratory

This course is designed to introduce the concepts of basic dispensing and techniques to pharmacy students that govern this important facet of professional practice of pharmacy. This course covers the introduction to dispensing; receiving prescriptions, prescription validation (Initial professional and technical check); labelling; assembling prescription and documentation.