CPE132 Discrete Mathematics
  • Enrolled students: No students enrolled in this course yet
ES084 Computer Programming 1

This course is an introductory course that provides comprehensive introduction to the C language. This course also aims to discuss program development and concentrate on logic formulation. Thorough treatment is given to the topics on iterative and control structures, functions and parameter passing, and pointers so that students will be able to write flexible and user-
friendly programs.

ES084 Computer Programming 1

This course is an introductory course that provides comprehensive introduction to the C programming language. This course also aims to discuss program development and concentrate on logic formulation. Thorough treatment is given to the topics on sequential, conditional and  loops or iterative control structures that students will be able to write flexible and user-friendly programs.

CPE264 Data Structures and Algorithms in CPE

This course covers abstract data types and their implementations: stacks, queues, list, trees; searching, and sorting. This course is a continuation of Programming 2. It reviews arrays and structures, data abstraction using programmer-defined data types in Java and linked-list. The course tackles the definition, implementation, analysis, and application of linear data structures – stack, queue, list, trees using arrays and linked-list so as with searching and sorting algorithms.

  • Enrolled students: No students enrolled in this course yet