CS323_Data Communication And Networking (First Semester 2020-2021, Cluster 2)

Networking, virtually involves all Information Technology applications. Computer hardware, software and telecommunications are now overlapping.  IT professionals must be able to select, design, deploy, integrate, and administer network and communication infrastructures in an organization.  Hence, it is important for IT students (CpE, CS, IT) to enroll Data Communications and Networking in order to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary from IT professionals. 

This course is an introductory to the evolving network technology.  This provides students the basic understanding and appreciation on data communications and networking: how data traverse from one end node to the other; the international standards to make data communication happens; the OSI Reference model which serves as a reference by all network hardware/devices manufacturers; the TCP/IP as the language of the Internet; the representation of data (voice, text, multimedia, etc) in the form of electronic signals, the process it go through for successful transmission, and causes of error; the types of transmission media used for the signal to traverse; the types of interfaces of devices (DTE/DCE); and the protocols involve for transmitting and retransmitting of data from the source node to the destination node .