CSIT121_Fundamentals of Programming (First Semester 2020-2021, Cluster 2)

This is an introductory course that provides comprehensive introduction to the C language. This course aims to discuss program development and concentrate on logic formulation. Thorough treatment is given to the topics on iterative and control structures, functions and parameter passing, and pointers so that students will be able to write flexible and user-friendly programs.

At the end of the course, the students are able to:

CLO1. Explain the importance of the course in relation to the goals and objectives of the program, the College and the University.

CLO2. Design a flowchart using the correct symbols and implement a C program solution to a problem following the C programming language structure to solve a given and analyzed problem.

CLO3. Choose and explain appropriate control-flow structure (sequential, conditional or iteration constructs) for a given programming task.

CLO4. Test and debug flowcharts and programs to check the reliability of the C program solutions by tracing and debugging.

CLO5. Apply the techniques of decomposition to break a program into smaller pieces.